My name is Nikki Cole.  I’m a former professional turned stay-at-home mom to three young boys and sometimes one old one (my hubs).  For many years, life just kind of swirled around me.  I started my career in Advertising.  I relocated to Seattle.  I met my husband.  We got married.  I went back to graduate school.  My Marketing career took off.  Babies.  Ahhh...those beautiful babies came along.  We bought a home.  We sold a home.  We built a home.  We sold that home.  We nearly moved across the county for work. Until one day, I found myself in a miserable work environment.  I left my career. I stopped to breathe.  And the next thing you know, I was at home with my kiddos.

I was never going to be a stay-at-home mom

I never saw that one coming. I had career aspirations to fulfill, right?  Well, it took just a few stress-free months to realize that I rocked this stay-at-home thing and I LOVED it!  (My husband might not agree, but this isn’t about him.  😉) Alright, I realize being at home is not for everyone.  And frankly, I couldn’t have done it with the itty, bitty babies.  Now THAT’S hard work!  But my kids were at a fun age and the neighbor kids just started to pour into our lives and we loved it.

Umm…there was just one problem.  Not only did I leave the stress behind, but I left the income there, too!

Okay Nikki.  Time to get resourceful.  What do I do when I need to get resourceful?  Pinterest of course.  “Work from Home” gigs.  Search it up Nikki.  I mystery shopped.  I rated website search results.  I ghost wrote articles.  And I even upcycled old furniture.  But then I found my home business and I was all in!

My home business grew off the bat.  But eventually, it stalled out.

Okay Nikki.  Time to get resourceful again.  This time, I sought out training.  (Or maybe it sought me out.  Because that feed of mine kept delivering juicy training to me all day long.)  Like you, I picked a few favorites and followed along.  But one thing was for sure, I was convinced that using the internet and social media to grow my business made sense.  So that’s what I set out to do.

At first, I suffered from a mean case of shiny object syndrome.  But eventually, I learned some good stuff.

My turning point was finally purchasing a course that took me through the steps of building my very own website.  This one right here.  I was NOT techy in any stretch of the imagination.  But I knew a couple of things.  I liked to learn.  I can follow directions.  And I don’t give up.  And at the end, I achieved what I set out to do – to build a platform from which to build my business that was MINE ALL MINE.  Not my company’s.  Not Facebook’s.  Mine.

Now here’s where it becomes about you!

I found all these cool tips, tricks and training that I now want to share with you.  No, I am NOT teaching you Network Marketing techniques.  There are all sorts of experts in that space you should be following for their sage advice. I am simply sharing tools, tips, tricks, and training that can help you move and support your business online.  Oh…and you can do it on a shoestring budget to boot.

What are you waiting for?  Let’s get you started!

Start by downloading my e-course called “Website 101” right here for FREE!  It walks you through how to build your very own website in chunks.  Anyone can do this.  Seriously.  If you told me I could do it myself before I began, I would have laughed.  But the tools are made for even those of us who don’t geek out over back-end coding.  (I just made that up.  Is that even a thing?!)

Download Website 101 Now!

Got more questions?  Reach out to me directly. 

Here is my contact information.  I hope we can connect and I hope you slay this whole online world!


Phone:  (612) 387-3212