Growing up Ginger

I’m a redhead.  And now that I’m older, I very much appreciate having red hair.  But when I was young – I didn’t appreciate it and all that went along with having red hair.  There was the fair skin, the freckles and the nicknames.  And what’s up with the “red-headed stepchild” bit?!  Anyway, after chatting with some girlfriends, I was reminded just how much I truly hated it.  We started to recall all the stupid tricks I tried.  These are my favorites!

1. QT Quick Tanning by Coppertone

I can literally visualize the white bottle with its blue cap on the shelf at the local dime store.  “Yes,” I thought to myself, “I can FINALLY get a tan, too.”  I’m sure I went home and just slathered it on my pasty skin with NO understanding of how it worked and what it would look like.  Let’s be honest…even today sunless tanners can be tricky to apply and get right.  But back then!  Whoa!  I just remember having to hide my hands because it looked like I had been out in the fields using rusty tools.  I probably ended up wearing pants for two weeks after that disaster.   

2. Sun In

I just searched for this product.  I think it’s actually still alive and well.  But if you’re not familiar, it’s a product that gets applied to your hair.  When activated by sun, it’s supposed to lighten it.  After I applied what was likely the entire bottle, I was SO disappointed it didn’t work on my red hair. My brunette and blond friends all were rewarded with lovely, sun-kissed highlights.  (Of course, that’s just how I remember it!)

3. Baby Oil

Not my brightest idea.  Growing up, I was lucky enough to take lots of family vacations.  Most of the time we went somewhere hot and sunny.  (That’s what we Minnesotans do.  Brrr!!!)  On those vacations, my one and only goal was to come home with some color on my skin.  I even preferred a burn to no color at all.  I’d lay out for hours each day.  My poor nose has been burnt so many times I can’t even count.  I think eventually, I “wised up” and applied Tanning Oil containing SPF 4 or something ridiculous like that.  But there was a time when I’d just slather that baby oil on my skin.  The thought of that today seems absurd.

4. Tanning Beds

I have to confess…I think I’d still be using these if I didn’t know better.  Let’s be honest, you DO feel better with a little color, right?  (Or, at least I do.)  And isn’t the technology getting better now?  Okay, Nikki.  Not a good idea.  Stop the rationalization and start the sunless tanning.

5. Lemon Juice

This little gem served two purposes – it could lighten your hair (like Sun In) and lighten freckles.  I actually remember thinking I should try this, but I never had the patience or the funds to keep fresh produce around.  My mom wasn’t buying it either.  If you were to poke around on Pinterest, you’d see lots of posts that suggest lemons can “treat” freckles.  That’s right, “treat” freckles as though they are some kind of plague.  No wonder I was self conscious.

Ahhh…the things we do!  I wanted to keep this on topic, but I MUST share a couple other oldies that you will ABSOLUTELY remember if you are roughly my age.  So funny!  And some of the trends back then (e.g. crimping hair, side ponytails, & huge bangs to name a few) are just as precious.  They all deserve their own attention.  I wonder what our kids will look back on and laugh about!

As for me and my red hair today, I have grown to love it.  I have three boys that were all born with the same red hair I have, but only one has kept it.  I hope it’ll continue to stick even though I know he won’t like it.  The idea of being a little different doesn’t scare me anymore like it did as a kid.  And I know one day, he’ll feel the same.

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